Adafruit WICED Feather

I’m curious if there’s any others on this list who has recently purchased the WICED Feather? if so what are your first impressions of the board? What do you plan on using the board for?

I’m a bit of a sucker for new devices so when the WICED was announced from Adafruit I ordered one straight away! within the week it arrived (surprised because US deliveries usually take a minimum of 10 days) My main goal for this board was to use it for remote control (via wifi) Neopixels! however the neopixel library from adafruit hasn’t been updated to support the M3 arm cortex that powers the WICED (lots of library errors that I don’t know where to even start!)

Most of the tutorials I’ve found for remote neopixel control are done via bluetooth, and a few for using the ESP8266 but I was specifically focused on the neopixel feather wing (since arrived from LittleBird) so I’ll update this as I progress …